
What is "bank jugging?" How can I protect myself?

Bank jugging refers to a criminal act wherein perpetrators observe individuals withdrawing money from their bank or credit union and subsequently follow them to steal the cash. The term "jugging" originates from the notion of a jug, typically used to carry large amounts of money. This is a crime that is on the rise this summer across the country.

While jugging can occur in various scenarios, such as ATM withdrawals or cash transactions, credit union members should remain vigilant to mitigate the risk of becoming a victim.


Safety Measures to Avoid Jugging:

  • Maintain Awareness: Be mindful of your surroundings when visiting the credit union and while conducting financial transactions. Observe if anyone appears to be closely monitoring your activities or displaying suspicious behavior.


  • Vary Your Routine: Criminals often rely on predictable patterns to target potential victims. By altering your schedule and routes when visiting the credit union, you make it more challenging for would-be perpetrators to track your movements.


  • Secure Your Cash: After withdrawing money, secure it discreetly before leaving the credit union premises. Avoid displaying or counting large sums of cash in public, as it may attract unwanted attention.


  • Utilize Drive-Through Services: Whenever possible, utilize drive-through banking services offered by your credit union. This reduces the risk of being observed while handling cash in public areas.


  • Be Cautious of Strangers: Beware of strangers who approach you or engage in suspicious conversation regarding financial matters. Maintain a healthy level of skepticism and avoid sharing personal or financial information with unfamiliar individuals.


  • Park Strategically: When visiting your credit union, choose parking spaces that provide optimal visibility and are well-lit. Park as close to the entrance as possible to minimize exposure when carrying cash.


  • Use Security Escorts: If you feel particularly vulnerable or have concerns about your safety, request a security escort from your credit union. Many institutions offer this service to protect their members during cash transactions.


  • Embrace Technology: Consider utilizing alternative methods of banking that minimize cash handling, such as online banking, mobile payments, or digital wallets. These options reduce the need for physical cash transactions.


While jugging poses a threat to individuals conducting financial transactions, adhering to these safety measures can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to this crime. By maintaining awareness, adopting precautionary habits, and leveraging the security resources available to you, you can enhance your safety as a credit union member and protect your hard-earned money.